Our products

- Power : 20 - 4 400 kW
- Commercial documentation (PDF)
Compliant with NF E 38-424 standard relating to hygienic risks
Perfectly watertight construction thanks to a Jacir jointing technology
Tower casing made of galvanised steel, assembled without any welding, also proposed in X-STEEL stainless-steel
Excellent temperature resistance of the EFFI-PACK exchange surface, allowing use up to 95 °C optional
Ultra-quiet towers in standard version, achieving exceptionally low sound levels
Glycol free plate heat exchanger without winter freezing risk
Made of stainless steel, the plates are removable to ease the cleaning
Design facilitating access to tower internals and wide visit access
Possibility to add a plate heat exchanger to easily increase the discharge power (SF and SFIM series), an antifreeze plume suppression coil (SIM series) and additional soundproofing.
- Stainless-steel plate heat exchanger is totally protected from weather conditions thanks to its self-supporting galvanised steel stiff panels
- Extremely rigid panels once assembled, ensuring unique strength and waterproof cooling towers
- Sloped and flat basin equipped with a drain port
- POWER FLOW access enabling quick and easy drain
- Water distribution is made with several PVC pipes which feed polypropylene nozzles and distribute water in the form of a full jet cone
- Design of the EFFI-PACK exchange surface made to offer a large free surface, limiting the risk of fouling
- Large access door designed to facilitate maintenance, and the fasten dismantling of the internals
- Forced draft centrifugal fans
- Counter flow
- Metallurgy
- Chemical industries